
I give up. The crash got me interested in investing again, but this is ridiculous. We’re going to bailout Boeing, a terribly run company whose management ruined their flagship product. i don’t mind bailing out the company, for national security reasons, but why will the management and shareholders be preserved? How can anyone call this capitalism anymore? Boeing is probably just the worst example. The 08 bailut is what originally turned my against investing because what is the point if all companies are goingt to rise based on endless cheap money for speculation? How do you bring any value to a market that floats all the crap up right along with the good companies? And then when the inevitable shitstorm comes, and it always comes by definition from a source no one expected, then the government bails out the weak and poorly positioned companies so there is no reward for being a well run company, only a reward for being a well connected company.

So I’m throwing in the towel. Fuck it. I’ll learn about how to speculate.

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