
What the hell is going on? Plywood headed toward a $100 a sheet, steel prices tripling, houses prices completely beyond any reasonable attachment to wages, the stock market on a parabolic ride like the Space Shuttle Challenger, bond yields burrowing into the ground as though they were mining for gold, every, small business owner I talk to can’t hire help. Of course, who wants to work for wages that won’t pay a mortgage or even rent. Is it possible that the supply and demand of such basic items as plywood and steel was so perfectly balanced that the shutdown caused this much disruption? The whole pine beetle argument for high lumber prices gets weaker and weaker as other prices start skyrocketing, and yet there is no inflation. Is this the distortion caused by such a massive injection of stimulus? Does this mean that for all these years while we have been trying monetary stimulus fiscal stimulus would have been much more effective? Nothing makes sense.

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