While I was thinking about the previous post, and who knows why, this thought came into my head, although mostly unrelated to the topics i usually contemplate here, I’ll record it here in as much as it arose from the same stream of thought. Perhaps the arc of the universe is long but bends toward justice because the ratio of human desire to morality is relatively constant but through technology the ability to satisfy human desire has incrementally become easier. A person wants to have enough to eat for themselves and their family, but they don’t have enough so they will steal and sometimes kill in order to satisfy that desire. A person wants a bigger house, maybe they lie and cheat a bit to get a bigger house. Now, obviously, human greed is nearly boundless, but it may be the case that as true needs are attenuated, and then further as luxuries become ever more ridiculous, our willingness to sacrifice our morality to satisfy our desires wanes just a little bit. This is not a noble case for why the arc of the universe might bend toward justice, but it is a pragmatic one.
- robby
- December 18, 2021
- Finance Blog