
Why are the simplest things the hardest to learn? It came to me the other day, the quaint notion of investing in public markets was already dead by the time, let’s say early 2000s, that i first learned about it. Guess i got lucky because actual investing only seems to exist in actual businesses and that’s what I have, but the concept of investing, and, really what is that concept at heart, the idea that you can make money with money and the work you contribute will only be your insight, this simple and ultimately selfish concept, which may have been true in some sense in an earlier time when the country was actually interested in making things rather than shuffling financial instruuments around, anyway, that quaint concept was already dead. Super low interest rates, QE, all that shit, bank bailouts, that was just the final hilarious comedy. So what’s left, at least in public markets, is what was always there, speculation, buyng for one and hoping to sell for two. Trading.

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