
Per capita our death rate is going to be, by the current estimates, at least 40 times worse than China, and this is with two months to prepare. is there…

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What if the market is right, and what it is saying with its sudden and steep drop is that this a a huge disaster, so big in fact, that the…

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I give up. The crash got me interested in investing again, but this is ridiculous. We're going to bailout Boeing, a terribly run company whose management ruined their flagship product.…

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I watched Ackman's long rant. Funny how a guy who is so smart and articulate still resorts to the verbal tic of "Ok" between every sentence when he is excited…

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I need a thesis. "I sought a theme and sought for it in vain," Yeats But i still need a thesis. Drifting around looking at this and that. Discovered JCTCF,…

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