Went to tractor supply yesterday and got some parts i need for the logging winch I am trying to rig up on our old forwarding trailer. I've driven by a…
Went to tractor supply yesterday and got some parts i need for the logging winch I am trying to rig up on our old forwarding trailer. I've driven by a…
What is the result of all the money being thrown at people and companies? Leaving aside inflation, moral hazard, debt, competition, what's really happening here? It seems to me that…
As the economy falls apart and the stock market soars back toward its all time high (not there yet and perhaps it will miss the bar like a trapeze artist…
It's so simple and obvious, the system is, and has been since about 2000, or maybe 1998 and LTCM, a system in which the "capitalist" cannot lose because they will…
Per capita our death rate is going to be, by the current estimates, at least 40 times worse than China, and this is with two months to prepare. is there…
What if the market is right, and what it is saying with its sudden and steep drop is that this a a huge disaster, so big in fact, that the…
I give up. The crash got me interested in investing again, but this is ridiculous. We're going to bailout Boeing, a terribly run company whose management ruined their flagship product.…
I watched Ackman's long rant. Funny how a guy who is so smart and articulate still resorts to the verbal tic of "Ok" between every sentence when he is excited…
I need a thesis. "I sought a theme and sought for it in vain," Yeats But i still need a thesis. Drifting around looking at this and that. Discovered JCTCF,…